Sunday, June 10, 2007

Vacation Bible School

VBS was last week at the Main Post Chapel. Nearly 300 kids from 4 years old through 6th grade participated. It was a great program and Tucker really enjoyed it. They gave each child a CD of all of their songs, and we have listened to it 499 times already. Ok, maybe not quite that many.......but enough to be singing all the songs in my head!

I was excited to hear that they learned the meaning of the word "obey" on the first day. We've been practicing that at home :-) Here are some pics from the program on the last day. The picture of the larger group has a couple of Tucker's friends in it. Max is in the middle in the red shirt. Audrey is on the right in the turquoise.

8 months

Ty was 8 months old last Monday. He now has 5 teeth, working on #6. He's starting to eat a little table food, and has the army crawl down to a science. It is truly amazing how quickly they grow and learn. Oh, his other new trick is a high pitched squeal that I'm sure could break glass. Hopefully, that one won't last long!!! He's still a daddy's boy, but is starting to reach for mommy when I walk in the room. That doesn't sit too well with dad! I'm sure we'll both be chopped liver once big sister takes over!! These pics were taken on Ty's 8 month birthday. I love the one of Tucker-he's starting to get tan, and the hair isn't so bad anymore!!

Summertime Fun

We purchased our summertime fun for the kids (and dad) last week. Needless to say, its a big hit with the neighborhood kids. I figured that taking Tucker and Ty to the pool by myself would be a bit of a challenge, so we opted for stay at home fun. We'll get lots of pool time while Caitlyn and Colton are here, I'm sure, but right now, this has been great. It's soooo hot and humid here, that the slide makes it a bit easier to handle. Tucker is loving it, and can't wait for brother and sissy to join him!!!
We're planning an evening of sliding for the parents after the kids go to bed. I'm sure there will be a few drinks involved, and with our luck, an ER visit!!!

What's up

We've been pretty busy around here the last few weeks, as evidenced by the next few posts. Mike made a trip to Kansas for Colton's 6th grade graduation. He took several pictures, but unfortunately, none of them turned out very well, so you'll have to wait a couple more weeks to see recent pics of him. From the looks of him though, they'll be pics of Dad shaving his head next!!! Mike being Mike doesn't bode well for Colton getting to wear his hair like the kids are wearing it these days!!!

We've been busy spring cleaning and getting ready for Caitlyn and Colton to arrive. They'll be here next weekend until the end of July.

These pics are of the little men of our house. Ty is now bathing in the tub with big brother. Tucker is a huge help in this process. He holds while I wash. I thought the pic of Tucker in his chaps and hat was just kinda cool.