Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here are a few random pics.........

Caitlyn and Tucker did a little leaf raking one weekend. It made the yard look great, but better yet, it was a very fun jumping pile!!

This is an example of all the things that Ty has to drag to bed with him. The other end of the crib looks much the same. I have no idea how he can possibly be comfortable, but at any given time, he's got 7 or 8 critters and a couple of Rockets!

"My sissy is sooooooooo fun!"

First Field Trip

Ok, I'm going way back into the fall archives of our camera now. I'll try to get all caught up in the next couple of days!

Back in October, I was one of several parents to go on the first kindergarten field trip with Tucker's class. We went to a great place called Red Barn Farm in Weston, Missouri. The day was very cold, rainy, and cruddy, but we still had a great time, checking out the farm animals and picking out pumpkins. Here is a pic of us at the end of the day, and of the Gift Shop.

New Year, New Goals

As I'm sitting here still in my PJ's at 1 in the afternoon on New Year's Eve, I've been thinking about what 2008 has brought to the Pearce's. Its been a very busy year, full of family time and adjusting to new schedules, a move, and a huge change in the weather!! Moving from Louisiana to Kansas is quite a temperature change! We love it here, but believe it or not, there are definitely things about Louisiana that I miss.

I've also been thinking of some of the things that I would like to change in 2009. I won't even try to call them resolutions, because I always fail miserably at those. There is always tomorrow, or next week, or two weeks from Tuesday to start things. I don't work well on that kind of schedule. So, I've decided that the only big pressures I'm going to put on myself are treating my body and mind better--translate to "getting off my butt and stop eating nothing but junk!", being more organized with my Pampered Chef business, AND keeping this crazy blog updated. Instead of blogging when I feel I have enough cute pictures or something major has happened, I'd like to try doing what some of my friends do....blogging on a certain day of the week, or at least making sure I do it sometime each week. I'm making no promises, you all can see how well I've done in updating the last couple of months!!! But, as with all things in my life, if I make myself more accountable, maybe I'll get more done. I've never been very organized, or much of a self motivator, but I think if I make that my big goal, then every aspect of my life will fall into place a little more easily. Dr. Phil says it takes 30 days to form a habit, so January is going to be filled with some "habit forming", if all goes well!!!

I also need to find a church here that I feel comfortable in. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've only been to church once since moving here, and that was Christmas Eve. The service was wonderful, much like the one at my church back home. I feel my best when I'm attending church regularly, and I haven't been good at all about that in the last couple of years. This was never more evident than last week, when in church, past bedtime, knowing Santa was on his way, Tucker was probably the best behaved of all our kids (well, except maybe Caitlyn!) He has always really loved Church and learning about his Faith. I have my daily conversations with God, and say alot of prayers. I read my children's Bible with them, and we talk alot about God and Jesus and all of the beautiful things that are in our lives because of Them. Tucker always loves Bible school, which he attends every summer, and he's very intent on making sure that we pray before every meal. We probably do need to come up with something more original that the standard, "God is great, God is good......." Although, Ty almost has that one memorized too!! So much of our lives passes so quickly and so much of it is taken up with unimportant things, leaving little time for what really matters. I think its time to start putting the important stuff first, and filling in the other stuff where time allows. When I look back on my day, or week, or whatever measurement of time in which I felt really busy, it seems I'm always left with the question, "What did I actually accomplish?" I'm ready to be able to answer that question with something relevant each and every day.

So, today, my relevant thing is making myself accountable to you, our blog readers. I've put myself out there, told you what I want to accomplish, and now I need to do it so I won't be embarrassed when you ask me, "Have you found a new church yet?", or "How is your health", "Have you been busy with Pampered Chef?", or "What did you do today?".

To all of you, I hope that 2008 has been good to you, and we wish you the best in 2009! Have fun, but be safe tonight!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Sorry its been so long since the last post. We have been crazy busy around here with everyone's different activities. Colton is now wrestling, Tucker, Mike, and I are all riding horses, and my Pampered Chef business has absolutely boomed since moving to Kansas! YAY!!!! We're pretty much on the go every day/evening. I'm looking forward to lying low next week for Thanksgiving. Then, maybe I can get some photos posted since the last ones. I need to get Halloween, and some other snapshots up. I will, I promise. Just be patient with me!!!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Pray that God is with our country now more than ever...........its gonna be a LONG four years!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

All-American Tuesday

Well, after getting everyone out the door and off to school this morning, Ty and I ventured out to do our American duty. I told him that we were going to "go vote", and he said "fishing boat". The whole way there, he talked about getting in the boat and going fishing. I guess he must have been highly dissapointed when he saw no "boat". He was mesmerized by the flags all around though!

It is quite a day to be an American. Tucker and Colton have both had elections at school, and we've been talking alot about the election process. It is definitely a big day on a military installation and I believe more than a few are pretty anxious about the outcome. I know I am. My days recently have been full of prayer for our country, and especially for the men, women, and families of our military.

Please keep this country in your prayers today. If you haven't already, get out and vote. It is not only our privilege and our right- it is our duty.

More tomorrow........lets hope its a happy post!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Take down!

This is what the little ones were doing during Colton's recent football game. Ty is not afraid to get in the mix. As cute as this video is, its actually not the funniest takedown that occurred. Ty puts his mind to it and gets Tucker down to the ground. I didn't get the best one on video though!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Last Football Game

Colton's last game of the season was tonight. He played a ton, and was actually one of the captains. He also played alot last week at their last home game. He's been over the moon, needless to say. We are so proud of him! Tonight, he really got in there and hustled and got in on the action. He knocked a ball out of the air, ending the opponents drive, and ALMOST caught it for the interception. The Tigers won 40-0. They finished the season with only one loss, and it was the only close game of the year. Go Tigers!!!
Colton making one of three tackles for the night
Hard to see him, but Colton is amidst the big pile!

My boys........

Here are a few more pics from the orchard. Ty was actually tripping and falling backward over that white pumpkin after trying to pick it up. It was hilarious and I wish I had that on video also! He was a bit clumsy, and I'm a terrible parent for laughing at him!!!

Alldredge Orchard

I took the boys to a local apple orchard yesterday to blow off some steam. We had a fun time picking apples, looking at the animals, playing on the playset, and crawling through the straw tunnel. I especially got a kick out of Ty on the slide. It was quite entertaining! Make sure you watch the video clip!

Ty got a new Handy Manny backpack for his birthday. Now, he wants to be like his big brothers whenever we go out the door. He likes to put it on saying, "Ty go to cool too" Isn't he the cutest?!

It dawned on me that I hardly ever post pics of Caitlyn. Well, that's because I don't have very many. I thought this was a perfect one though.

Wild, Wonderful West Virginia

I've actually never been to West Virginia in the fall, only summer and Christmas. It was absolutely gorgeous. These pics are all taken while driving near Mike's parents house. Pretty good view, huh?

Berkeley Springs High School Class of 1988

Columbus Day weekend, Mike and I traveled to West Virginia for his 20th Class Reunion--man he's old! We had a wonderful kid free weekend and it was alot of fun to meet some of the people he grew up with. Normally when we go there, we get together with his childhood best friend, but I'd never met anyone else. The weekend was filled lots of class activities, and alot of "beverages" were consumed (we weren't the only ones traveling with no kids!!) The pics are from our viewpoint on the Apple Butter Festival Parade float (the second is of Mike's family watching the parade), and the classmates that were in attendance on Saturday night.

A few more pics from the farmstead. The one of the hands is Tucker and Mike on a mining expedition. Mike really enjoyed it and said the next time we go, he's taking extra money for it! Ty wasn't too cooperative all day, as you can see from the family pic in the previous post. The big kids were off most of the day doing their own thing, so Tucker was the only one really picture ready. Well, him and the buffalo.......

Deanna Rose Farmstead

We went to a really cool place in Kansas City called the Deanna Rose Farmstead the day after Ty's birthday. It is named for an Overland Park police officer killed in the line of duty. It includes a petting zoo of sorts, with mostly farm animals. There is also a buffalo, a longhorn, a butterfly garden, nature trail, a couple of playgrounds, and a whole lot of other kid friendly activities. The kids were able to watch a cow being milked, go mining for "gold", and visit an old one room farmhouse. For the fall, they have a small pumpkin patch with some fall kids activities as well. Fun was had by all and we can't wait to go back and spend a little more time.


Ty has a huge love for "The Little Einsteins". Although we didn't have a big themed party this year, we did go for a Rocket cake. Our neighbor does all kinds of cakes, and all I said was a rocket cake, and this is what she came up with. I was amazed! We all loved it, it was beautiful--tasty too! We had a great evening with a few of our friends, and Ty was thrilled with all of his new toys. Thank you everybody!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Week

We're gearing up for a big weekend in the Pearce household. Lots of preparations and lots to accomplish. Saturday is Ty's birthday-I just can't believe our precious baby is TWO!! In honor to celebrate, we're doing what everyone on post is doing--participating in the Fall Post-Wide Yard Sale!! Just kidding! We are really doing the yard sale, but that's not our celebration. It is, however, a huge undertaking. Our understanding is that the semi-annual yard sales at Ft. Leavenworth are incredible, with people coming from all over the mid-west. We'll see.......

As for Ty's birthday, we're keeping it simple this year. Easy dinner and celebration on Saturday night (I won't be cooking after running a yard sale all day!). Then on Sunday, we're venturing to Weston, Missouri to Red Barn Farm. It's suppose to be a pretty great "fall" place. We'll stock up on pumpkins and all that is "fall"! We'll be including a couple of family friends in on the weekend festivities and possibly a "friend" of Caitlyn's. We'll see how that goes over for her father!!

I'll have pics up next week!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ty saw the camera sitting out yesterday and immediately started saying "Cheese Mommy!" He decided to show me his belly in this one. Ty is talking up a storm and repeats EVERYTHING!!! We have to be very careful around here......As cute and sweet as he looks, don't let him fool you. This is one mean dude. Tucker gets the brunt of the beatings, but remains pretty patient. Ty has also discovered the art of the Temper Tantrum. This one is new to us, as Tucker never was one to throw a fit. Mouthy, yes (most definitely)-but never a fit thrower. All I can say is that Ty is either going to have very strong legs, or very bruised feet with all the kicking on the floor he's been doing in the last week or so!!!

I know you probably don't believe all these horrible things I'm saying about my dear sweet child by looking at this picture, but I swear to you its true!! He's rotten!! We'll keep him around awhile though, because he does give great hugs!!

Patton Tigers Football

Colton is playing football this year and loves it. The Tigers are 3-1 and doing really well. Colton doesn't get to play much, but neither does over half the team. Even when they're pounding the other team, the coach seems to want to keep the first stringers in. Pretty frustrating on game day, but he seems to be taking it all in stride and enjoying the team aspect of it. Colton is #43 (the little guy). He actually is not the smallest on the team, and there are several his size. He always ends up standing with all the tall guys on the team though!

School is going well. He's pretty much got all A's and B's. I think he's finally picking up some better study habits and realizing that we are following up with his teachers and he's not pulling anything over on us. A few kinks here and there, but all in all, I think we are all getting the hang of junior high! We're very proud of him!

Irish Festival

Yet again, I've been very bad about our blog. I was looking at the camera this morning to see what I could post, and realized I've also been very bad about taking any pictures recently. I could only come up with a few!

These are from Irish Fest in Kansas City several weekends ago. The big kids were off with their friends playing in the dancing fountains so I didn't get any pics of them. The little men enjoyed themselves thoroughly and the music was great! Ty was a bit worn out by the end of the day!

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of School

It was an exciting day around the Pearce household today. We had our three biggest boys all starting school. Colton was off and running by shortly after 7am. Mike and Tucker both had a bit longer to meander around before heading out the door.

Mike wanted to laugh at me when I grabbed a handful of kleenex (just in case), but I didn't really need them. I teared up a bit right as we walked up to the school, and again when I walked away from it, but overall, it was a pretty dry drop-off for mom. Tucker was thrilled, as you can see by the pic I took right before heading out of the room. He talked the whole way home this afternoon, which isn't really a big surprise. He is very anxious to learn how to read, and I think a bit disappointed that it didn't happen today. I had to explain to him that it wouldn't happen all in one day.....Not sure he accepted that, but we'll see.

Mike's class kicked off with a pretty neat flag ceremony where all of the countries represented in the class walked the stage with their respective flag. The ceremony was pretty quiet and solemn until the soldier from the Republic of Georgia came out. There was a thundering round of applause, and it was really very touching.

Colton's day was pretty uneventful, but a good one nonetheless. He came home pretty talkative, so I guess thats good!

Evidently, everyone's day went well enough that they are all planning on going back tomorrow!!

The last night........

I love this precious picture. To most, it may just be Tucker in his PJ's. To me, it is the last night of true innocence. It is his last night to be his mommy's baby. It is his last night of needing me more than anyone else in the world. While I am so excited for kindergarten, and am looking forward to it being full-day, I am also heartbroken that my little buddy, my reason for getting up every day through 3 years of deployments, my sweet little man, is growing up so fast!!


Jordan, Whitley, Caitlyn, Colin
Alyson, Ty, Devin, Sydney, Colton, Tucker

These are all ten of my parents' grandkids. Its not too often that they are all in one place.