Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pony Ride

We have started a new reward/incentive plan for Tucker, and his favorite reward that he is working for each week is a pony ride at a small ranch. These pics are of his first week there, and he was comfortable as could be on top of that pony. We also started actual riding lessons at another nearby ranch yesterday. I was amazed at everything they did with him on the first day, and especially since he's only four. They taught him the proper way to walk behind a horse, how to brush the horse and clean his feet, and they even let him take control of the reins by himself. When he made the pony, Mercury, walk all by himself, he was proud as a peacock. I was especially impressed, although a bit nervous, when they put him on a lungeline and made Mercury trot. Tucker held one arm in the air!! He did a great job and can't wait for next week!! He'll be ready to rodeo before we know it!

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