Saturday, August 11, 2007

It was sure to happen.........

As I mentioned in an earlier post about our new waterslide, I figured there was an ER visit in our future. Well, on July 20, Tucker was complaining of his toe hurting, and cried for quite sometime. He's normally pretty tough and shakes things off pretty easily, but I still wasn't too terribly concerned (silly me). After all, he thought he was Superman and took a flying leap off of the ladder. Shouldn't he suffer the consequences?! Mike suggested I take him to the hospital, and wouldn't you know, he broke his foot. Its actually his big toe, but way down the middle of his foot. That night, they sent us home with directions to have him wear hard soled shoes and to stay off of it. The next day is when we went to Kemah, so we had to carry him and push him in the stroller all day. On Monday, the hospital called and suggested he get fitted for crutches and they referred him to an orthopedic doctor. The crutches helped him gain enough confidence to try and walk. He even braved Jump City, but mostly on his belly! After about a week, he was walking okay, and only complaining of it hurting if he'd been on it alot. I had about given up on hearing from anyone about the ortho. dr., but finally got an appt. for this past Thursday. Mind you, that was 1 day short of 3 weeks after the original break. These pictures are the result of that visit..........

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