Tuesday, January 29, 2008

They fit!

Ty is into everything lately, and on this particular day, he was into his Daddy's shoes. He is such a fun little personality. Always doing something to crack us up. Whenever he sees a camera, he says "CHEEEEESE!"

He is also doing pretty well with "please" (sounds like peas), and "more". We've taught him a few signs, and he uses them sometimes. Mostly food related, of course. He often does more, hot, and drink.

The past several days, he's doing really well with instructions or tasks. He'll pick up and bring us particular things we ask him for like his binky, shoes, cup, or cuddle bear (thats his sleeping buddy). Tonight, he even helped Mike put all of his toys away in his toy basket. They just grow and learn so fast!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does Ty seem SO much older than Ronan?? Crazy!

You're all adorable!

I hope you're surviving the last few months at Polk! Start investing in ziplocs -- they're the ONLY way to PCS!

Love y'all -